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Best Ways to Prevent Delays in Commercial Roofing Project

June 4, 2021 by Heritage Roofing

A commercial roofing project requires careful planning and coordination. Even so, it is not uncommon to encounter delays along the way, some of which happen through no fault of your own. To ensure its success, learning to respond well to unexpected situations while navigating the entire process is imperative. Local roof inspection and replacement contractor Heritage Roofing Co. shares the best ways on how to do so.

 Commercial Roofing Project

Processing Permits

A commercial roof replacement involves finding out the types of permits needed to get it started.  However, these won’t likely be approved right away due to building inspector availability and other strict guidelines. Processing permits is a complicated process, but with the help of your local roofing contractor, you can better understand the time between submitting the requirements and getting approval.

Conducting Inspections

A thorough inspection is an essential tool for both you and your contractor to anticipate repairs and tweak certain parts of the project timeline. Be sure that you work with highly-skilled and experienced roofing pros who can properly address any issues not just to your roof but also the entire property. You’d want them to check if there’s moisture damage or any problems in the ventilation system and other structural components. If they find any of these, expect the project to extend up to several days to accommodate repairs.

Planning for Inclement Weather

Most roofing delays occur due to poor weather conditions. While these situations are out of your control, it helps that you take them into account during the planning process. Minimize weather-related delays by evaluating seasonal weather patterns, anticipating the roof’s service life, and creating a contingency plan.

Count on Heritage Roofing Co. for your commercial roof restoration service needs. No matter your roofing type, we can provide a maintenance contract to keep your roof in top condition. Call (803) 393-8073 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.


Offering commercial roofing services in SC, NC, GA, VA and FL
Residential roofing across SC and nearby areas including Columbia, Lexington, Greenville, Spartanburg, Florence and Charlotte, NC and Augusta, GA

122 Royal Oaks Lane       Lexington, SC 29072       Phone: 803-796-3327       Fax: 803-794-0438       Toll Free: 877-748-9323

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